useradd: unable to lock password file
Useradd: unable to lock password file
Problem description:
Under Red Hat Linux release 9, use root to add a user, get error message as below:
useradd: unable to lock password file
Needed to remove a lock file
Under the /etc directory, there are some lock files as:
Remove them.
How to install vista fonts on CentOS
To install the Vista ClearType fonts in CentOS, you need to install cabextract first. You can use yum to install it:
$ yum install Cabextract |
( http://plasmasturm.org/code/vistafonts-installer/vistafonts-installer )
#!/bin/sh |
Then open up a text editor and copy and paste the script into that file.
Then run the script using:
$ sh vista-fonts-installer.sh |
installer from microsoft.com, and then extracts the Vista cleartype
fonts using cabextract. These fonts are then installed in the ~/.fonts
Please remember that the ClearType Vista fonts are not free. You’ll be installing them at your own risk!
Mono Installation Steps on CentOS
Mono provides the necessary software to develop and run .NET client
and server applications on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and Unix.
- Mono is the core module.
- XSP is a simple way to get started, a lightweight and simple webserver written in C#.
- Mod_Mono is an Apache 1.3/2.0/2.2 module that provides ASP.NET support for the web's favorite server.
There are three basic steps of mono installation:
- Install the mono software;
- Configure the mono service together with Apache;
- Restart Apache.
The details of installation are discussed below:
1. Install the mono
Log onto your server;
Use vi to create a file named mono.repo and save it in /etc/yum.repos.d will allow you to install mono and related packages.
name=Mono for rhel-4-i386 (stable)
Then, use yum to install mono and xsp package:
#sudo yum install mono
#sudo yum install xsp
#sudo yum install mod_mono
Currently, the packed mod_mono is not running smooth on x86-64. So we install it from source, instead of installation by yum.
Place the download file to /tmp and unpack it to /usr/local (or other directory you like):
#cd /usr/local
#tar jxvf /tmp/mod_mono-1.9.tar.bz2
Compile the source code:
#cd /usr/local/mod_mono-1.9
#./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs
#make install
2. Configure the mono together with Apache
To run ASP.NET applications within the Apache, we need apache, the web server, installed. So, we can publish the mono service on web site though Apache.
After install the mono, you can find a default configure file name mod_mono.conf in mono's directory(In this instance, it is /etc/mono/conf.d/mod_mono.conf). mod_mono.conf loads the mod_mono module, associates ASP.NET file extensions with the ASP.NET MIME type and adds index.aspx, Default.aspx, and default.aspx as automatic directory index pages.
To load the mod_mono, add 1 line in the Apache configuration file like this:
Include /etc/mono/conf.d/mod_mono.conf
Now, we need edit the mod_mono.conf file to meet our special needs. As example, we publish the mono's build in test files, add these lines at the end of mod_mono.conf:
#This is the mono's examples
Alias /mono_test "/usr/lib/xsp/test"
MonoApplications "/mono_test:/usr/lib/xsp/test"
MonoServerPath "/usr/bin/mod-mono-server2"
<Location /mono_test>
SetHandler mono
#This is the controller of mono
<Location /mono>
SetHandler mono-ctrl
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Run the following command to check the configurations:
#httpd -t
Syntax OK
3. Restart Apache
Restart Apache to start mono web service by the following command:
#service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]
Now, the mono project it is available on web with this address:
If you are new to mono, get start with the The sample of writing code using mono on Linux, and have a look at the examples.
Further information about mono can be found at mono's website: http://www.mono-project.com/Mod_mono
Examples of Perl : envdump.pl
This is simple code to get environment settings.
#!/usr/bin/perl # envdump.pl ##################################################### # Get environment settings foreach $key (keys %ENV) { print "$key --> $ENV{$key} \n" ; } |
This is CGI, show a html page of all environment settings.
#!/usr/bin/perl # envdump.pl # Show a html page of all environment settings ##################################################### use strict; use warnings; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html><head><title>Environment Dumper</title></head><body>"; print "<center><table border=1>"; print "<tr><td>"."Your Operating System is:"."</td><td>"; foreach ($^O) { print "$_"; } print "</td></tr>"; foreach (sort keys %ENV) { print "<tr><td>$_</td><td>$ENV{$_}</td></tr>" } print "</table></center>"; print "</body></html>"; |
Examples of Perl: use File::Find
File::Find is used for searching through directory trees doing work
on each file found similar to the Unix find command. Find has two arguments. It accepts a code reference to your own code as the first argument and the directories as the second argument as below: find ( \&wanted, @directories ); This is my example to search the files by specified pattern (.txt files) in a directory (my backup) in a defined period (1 month).
Here is the main to set up test data and call find:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################# # Example ############################################################# use strict; use File::Find; # We have to do it this way passing parameters # because the wanted function takes no arguments # and the return value is ignored. our ( $search_path, $search_filepattern, $search_destdir, %search_timepattern, $search_maxdepth, $search_action, @filelist ); # Following sector is testing data # Get processing period of epoch time my %search_timepattern = CalPeriod( "2008", "03" ); # Define which directory to be searched my $search_path = "/home/backup/"; # Set max search depth as no sub directories my $search_maxdepth = 3 ; # search pattern: all .txt file my $search_filepattern = ".txt\$"; # The destination directory to move files my $search_destdir = "/tmp/"; # The array to return matched files my @filelist; # The folowing action when a matched file is found # We use "copy" for testing. my $search_action = "copy"; # Now, search and take action on matched files @filelist = find(\&wanted, $search_path); |
This part is the wanted function:
sub wanted { # DESCRIPTION: search for files with given pattern in a directory hierarchy # This subroution is File::Find wanted function. Do not use it directly. # # PARAMETERS: # our ($search_path, $search_filepattern, $search_destdir, %search_timepattern, $search_maxdepth, $search_action, @filelist); # The wanted function takes no arguments and the return value is ignored. # # $search_path: searching path # $search_filepattern: string of a pattern to match file name. # eg. search .txt file, $sesarch_filepattern = ".txt\$" # %search_timepattern('begin','end'): the time range to match file modification time # $search_maxdepth: the max depth of recursive subdirectory search. # 2 is "/*/*/", 3 is "/*/*/*/", so on # $search_action: following action on matched file: copy, move, print # $search_destdir: the destination directory if following action is copy/move # @filelist: RETURN an array of matched files ############################################################# use File::Spec; use File::Copy; use File::stat; # to limit recursive subdirectory search by defined max_depth my $depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[/][]; return if $depth > $search_maxdepth; # get the original file time stamp my $atime = stat($File::Find::name)->atime; my $mtime = stat($File::Find::name)->mtime; # get the destination file name if move/copy found file my $dest_file = $search_destdir.$_; my @dest_file = $dest_file; if ( ( -f $File::Find::name ) # matches file only && ( $File::Find::name =~ /$search_filepattern/ ) # matches defined pattern && ( ($mtime ge $search_timepattern{begin}) && ($mtime le $search_timepattern{end}) ) # matches file time stamp ) { # Take actions on matched file # copy if ( $search_action eq "copy" ) { printf("Copying...%s to %s \tatime: %s, mtime: %s\n",$File::Find::name,$dest_file,$atime,$mtime); copy($File::Find::name, $dest_file) or die "Copy failed: $!"; utime $atime, $mtime, @dest_file; # keep original time stamp } # move if ( $search_action eq "move" ) { printf("Moving...%s to %s\n",$File::Find::name,$dest_file); move($File::Find::name, $dest_file) or die "Move failed: $!"; utime $atime, $mtime, @dest_file; # keep original time stamp } # print file name if ( $search_action eq "print" ) { printf("%s\n",$File::Find::name); } # return file list push(@filelist, $File::Find::name); } } |
Here is some subroutines to process time. It is not necessary to use File::Find.
sub CalPeriod { # DESCRIPTION: Get one month's start time and end time of epoch # PARAMETERS: string of year no, string of month no, # RETURN: hash of period # $period{begin} The epoch time of first second in a month. # $period{end} The epoch time of last second in a month. # (leap second doesn't count). # USAGE: %period = CalPeriod($YYYY,$MM); ############################################################# use Time::Local; my $year = shift(@_); my $month = shift(@_); my $days = DayInMonth($month,$year); my %t1 = ( 'year' =$year, 'mmon' = $month - 1, # month number start from 0 'day' = '01', 'hour' = '00', 'min' = '00', 'sec' = '00' ); my %t2 = ( 'year' = $year, 'mmon' = $month - 1, # month number start from 0 'day' = $days, 'hour' = '23', 'min' = '59', 'sec' = '59' ); my $time_begin = timelocal($t1{sec},$t1{min},$t1{hour},$t1{day},$t1{mmon},$t1{year}); my $time_end = timelocal($t2{sec},$t2{min},$t2{hour},$t2{day},$t2{mmon},$t2{year}); my %period = ( 'begin' = $time_begin, 'end' = $time_end ); return %period ; } sub DayInMonth { # DESCRIPTION: get the days in a month (leap year is calculated) # PARAMETERS: string of month no, string of year no # RETURN: string of days # USAGE: $days = DayInMonth($month,$year); ############################################################# my $month = shift(@_); my $year = shift(@_); my $days = 31; if ( $month =~ /^(4|04|6|06|9|09|11)$/ ) { $days = $days - 1; } elsif ( $month =~ /^(2|02)$/ ) { $days = 29; if ((($year%4)!=0) || (($year%100)==0)) { $days = $days - 1; } } return $days; } sub PreMonth { # DESCRIPTION: get the no of last month # PARAMETERS: string of month no # RETURN: string of last month no # USAGE: $lastmonth = PreMonth($month); ############################################################# my $mon = shift(@_); my $m = $mon - 1; if ( $m < 1 ) { $m = 12; } $m =~ s/^\d$/0$&/ ; return $m; } |
Aegis Command Quick Reference
Aegis Command Reference
Developer Command Summary
Change Directories
$ aecd -p proj_name -c change_num
Begin Development:
$ aedb
Undo Begin Development:
$ aedbu
Copy files
$ aecp
Administrator Commands
Change Administration
Creating a new change:
$ aenc -p proj_name
Amending a change:
$ aeca -p proj_name -c change_num
Viewing outstanding changes
$ ael oc -p proj_name
Other viewing options:
!!!!! List Administrators|Developers|Reviewers|Integrators for a particular project
]$ ael [a|d|r|i] -p proj_name
!!!!! Show project files
]$ ael pf -p proj_name
Project Administration:
Creating a new project
$ aenpr proj_name -DIR /home/aegis/proj_name -version -
Creating project administrators:
$ aena &username -p proj_name
Creating project developers:
$ aend username -p proj_name
Creating project reviewers:
$ aenrv username -p proj_name
Creating project integrators:
$ aeni username -p proj_name
Removing a project:
$ aermpr <proj_name>
Edit project attributes:
$ aepa -p <proj_name>
New Change Example: creation, build, test and integration into baseline
Create our new change change:
$ aenc -p project1
(change 9999 created)
Begin development on the change:
$ aedb -p project1 -c 9999
Copy and edit some files for the change:
$ aecd -p project1 -c 9999
$ aecp readme.txt
$ emacs readme.txt
Modification complete, so check for differences, conflicts:
$ aed -p project1 -c 9999
$ cs
Okay.. Now make the build:
$ aeb -p project1 -c 9999
Run the regression tests:
$ aet -reg -p project1 -c 9999
If the tests pass, pass the integration:
$ cd /home/aegis/project1 (get out of change directory)
$ aeipass -p project1 -c 9999
End development of the change:
$ aede -p project1 -c 99999
Ask someone to review your change (or 'su' to someone else)
$ emacs readme.txt,D
If happy with the change, pass the review:
$ aerpass -p project1 -c 9999
Crap.. is this correct? I know something else happens now...